Across the board– This phrase means all cards in the Field of Excellence and in school and may affect our brains and money piles.

Activated– This word, commonly found on Accomplishment/Moves cards, means that this card has an effect every turn after it has been paid for.

Brains and Money Piles– When you play brain and money cards you play them face up in front of you in piles of their type so you and other players can know how much money and brains you have available to use.
Brains/Intellect– These cards are used to bring Historical Figures (HF) into play. You must have at least the number of brains needed to summon your (HF). You can summon a Person with more brains than are necessary and still have use of those leftover brain amounts.
Example: Ben Franklin needs 45 brains to summon, you have three 20 brains cards. You can place all three 20 brain cards under Benjamin Franklin but you can still use the additional 15 brains toward putting another Person on the board on a different turn.
*Brains cards are not discarded when the (HF) they are attached to is discarded. They go back into your usable brain pile on the field. Some cards can specifically discard brain cards so please read your cards carefully.
Discard Pile– This is where you place your cards (HF, Moves, Funding) after they have been used or are discarded by yourself or a rival.
Draw Pile– there are two draw piles, each with separate back designs. Before play starts you should separate your cards into piles with the back that says “You Got” separate from the back that says “Schooled”. The cards marked with the back saying “You Got” are your person (HF) cards and their accomplishments/ moves. The cards marked with the back saying “Schooled” are your Brains and Money cards. The draw piles should be placed next to each other so they read “You Got Schooled”
Each draw pile should be separately shuffled at the start of the game and kept separate throughout the game. You can draw from either pile when it is your turn. You draw a total of 7 cards at the start of the game, these can be strategically d from either or both of the piles but you can only draw a total of 7 cards. At the start of each turn, you can draw one card from either pile.

Field of Excellence (FoE)– this is where you place your person (HF) who you are actively using. People and their moves are generally placed here after being “in school” unless a card says otherwise, for example, prodigy cards can be placed directly onto the Field of Excellence. You can only have one Historical Figure in the field of excellence at a time unless a card has said otherwise. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. for example can call other Historical Figures to the Field of Excellence.
Some moves say “take two health” and others say “gain two health” or “add two health” or “generate two health” What is the difference? Taking health removes health from a rival and then adds that to your health total. Gaining health JUST adds to your health total all phrases that do not say “take” are simply health producing cards but any card that says “take” means you subtract that health from another player. Health CAN be taken from a player who has less than the amount you are taking but your health can not drop below zero. So, if your card says “take four health from rival player” and your rival only has two health, they drop to zero but you still gain all four of that health. You can also take health from a player with zero health but again, their health does not drop below zero.
Take Gain

Historical Figure (HF) or Person– These are your people cards. These will have a brain Icon on the card with a value. The number in the brain icon tells you how many brains are needed to bring this card into play either “In School” or on the “Field of Excellence”.
To begin, separate your cards into two piles. One with the back marked “You Got” and the other marked as “Schooled.” The You Got side is your People and their accomplishments, the schooled draw pile is your brains and money. The brains are needed to make People cards playable, their moves are paid for with Money. Announce to your Rivals “You Will Get Schooled by My (Say the type of deck you are playing with for example “physics”)
Each player cuts their “You Got” deck and shows a card. The card with the highest value of Brains needed goes first, if no one draws a card with a brains amount on it then the highest value of Money goes first and chooses the direction of play (clockwise or counterclockwise)
Reshuffle the You Got deck and draw seven from either pile.
The basic order of gameplay goes as follows:
- Draw a card from either the “You Got,” or the “Schooled” pile.
- Play cards, you may lay down 1 card of each type in your hand per turn. 1 brains, 1 money, 1 Person, 1 Accomplishment.
- Once you have the correct amount of brains you may put a person out into “School” or if they have spent their one required turn in school they may be moved into the Field of Excellence.
You can only have one Person in the Field Of Excellence at a time unless a card says otherwise. You can only have three people “in school” unless a card says otherwise.
People in school and people on the Field of Excellence can have moves with them, You can only use the moves of the person on the Field of Excellence.
Moves cost money to play, you need to spend that amount of money by putting it into the discard, you do not get change so if the move is $15 and you spend a $20 you have forfeited that $5. Multiple moves can be used in one turn, add all the money spent up, and discard that amount. You can not use one move more than once per turn.
You can only use moves with the name of THAT person on them, you can not have Einstein use a Rosa Parks card.
There are cards that can warp and shape rules, so read everything on the card!
First Player To 10 Points per player playing wins!!
In School– this is the area of the board where your HFs go to learn. your person must spend one turn placed sideways in school before being able to go to the “Field of Excellence” unless the card says otherwise or unless another card says otherwise. Some cards can be placed directly onto the “Field of Excellence” without having to be placed in school.
Mirror/Copy– this means you use the other card as if it is a move of your own, this may include paying for it to be used.

Money/Funding– These cards are spent like money to fund your Moves. Each Funding card can only be used once regardless of if the card’s amount is fully used (unless otherwise stated on the card). These cards DO NOT make change and are discarded after use.
Examples of Funding amounts:

This move costs 20 funding.

This move costs 35 funding for its first use and doubles for each use after (35,70,140,280 and so on)

This move costs 15 funding but there are more things on this card that you can spend more funding on to enhance or change it.

Rival– any player not yourself or on a team with you who is playing the game.

Round– a round is measured from the end of your turn to the beginning of your next turn.

Trap– these Moves are played face down to keep rivals from knowing what is said on them. You need to read these cards carefully so you know what they do and when they can be played.

Turn– a turn is measured from the time a rival is finished with everything they can do and says it’s your turn until you are done with everything you can do and tell the next person it is their turn. This is important because often you can only gain health on your turn meaning you need to be clear with all players about when it is their turn so no one forgets to do anything. There is strategy involved in this.

Your hand– the cards you have drawn from the draw pile but not yet played. Keep your rivals from seeing these cards.